Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Asahi Collagen
180 tablets (6 tablets per day for 30 days)
Asahi胶原蛋白 180 粒(毎天6粒)30天

Nutrients Contents 成分配合(毎6粒)
(per six tablets)

Collagen : 1000mg   胶原蛋白 : 1000mg
Vitamin B2:3mg 维生素B2 : 3mg
Vitamin B1:2.4mg 维生素B1 :2.4mg  
Pantothenic acid: 5mg 泛酸: 5mg
Vitamin C:100mg 维生素C : 100mg
(Energy :7.1kcal) (能源: 7.1kcal ]

Meiji Premium Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid ,CoEnzyme Q10 Glucosamine, ( 214g) 30day

refill pack enlarged

Suntory Milcolla Collagen Powder 105g(7g perday)15days
Suntory Milcolla 膠原蛋白粉末105g( 1日7g)15日

●Approximate amount per day (7g) of each component : Collagen :5000mg :Ceramide : 600μg
Glactic acid :more than 10 billion Vitamin C:50mg Calcium :120mg Heat:25.3kcal Protein: 5.3g Lipis:0.05-0.16g Carbohydrate: 0.16 ~ 1.37g Sodium: 11 ~ 22mg .Potassium: 10mg Phosphorus : about 80mg

● (7g的組成部分): 膠原: 5000mg 酰胺: 600μg 乳酸菌: 超過100億 .維生素C:50mg鈣: 120mg 熱量: 25.3kcal 蛋白質/5.31g 脂質0.05 〜 0.16g 碳水化合物: 0.16 〜1.37g 鈉11 〜 22mg 鉀: 10mg:以下 .磷 : 約80mg

Lotte Collagen Powder 10000+Vitamin C (375g refill pack)









和"绳索"的功能,使乳房挺拔秀丽。随着岁月流失,胶原纤维三螺旋变得松懈(就象老化的松紧带一样失去拉力不能将乳房拉紧,造成了乳房扁平下垂。而服用活性胶原蛋白可以纠正乳房的这种衰老退化现象。每天坚持服用1~2g活性胶原蛋白,就可以加固和更新乳房中的纤维"绳索"使乳房重新牢牢固定在皮肤上,恢复乳房青春容貌。 总之,胶原蛋白是乳房的重要组成部分,是保持乳房弹性的生物大分子.


原来胶原蛋白本身就是具有天然丰胸的效果,尤其是活性胶原多肽,也就是具有活性,和多肽的双重效果(活性是将有效成份活性提取效果最佳,而多肽是指将分子量切为3000道尔顿(人体最易吸收的情况)),而胸部是由脂肪组织和结缔组织构成,胶原是直接补充结缔组织,使皮肤坚挺,丰满! 所以胶原蛋白丰胸效果才会如此明显



改善关节健康:胶原蛋白是关节中软骨组织主要成分,负责构造软骨组织的框架并将其定 补充适量的胶原蛋白,可以维持人体自身软骨组织的自动生成机制。保护关节免于磨损和毁坏,也可预防各种原因引发的骨关节炎


1. 胶原蛋白是构成皮肤组织的主要物质,分子结构大,无法直接透过表皮层,外用涂抹,难以深入真皮层;经口服吸收后,才能深 入皮肤真皮层,补充流失的胶原蛋白。

2. 荔枝提取物能防止透明质酸的降解和流失。锁住皮肤水分;抑制黑色素产生,美白肌肤。

3. 薏仁提取物能促进皮肤新陈代谢,滋养肌肤、消除皮肤斑点,防止皮肤粗糙,保持人体皮肤光洁细腻。

4. 番茄红素抵御紫外线对皮肤的损伤,清除自由基,形成保护皮肤的天然屏障。

5. 天然VE防止皮肤细胞的衰老,改善皮肤血液循环,清除皮肤黄褐斑,使肤色自然红润。
皮肤衰老出现各种问题,源于胶原蛋白流失,流失的直接后果就是皮肤“塌方”,出现空洞、缝隙。以往你所做的种种努力,只是给肌肤的表面补充水分和营养,这就如同在装修一座已经塌了的房子,其实是自欺欺人。 胶原蛋白,6招捍卫女人肌肤第一招 保湿:目前,国际上流行的如何补充胶原蛋白的方法主要有三种:外用保养(面膜、化妆品制剂)、由专科医师注射和口服保健(纯粉、口服液、胶囊)。

每次在外边吃饭时,都会有人指着那盘猪蹄殷勤地对同桌的女士说:“女孩子多吃点好,能美容。”因为很多人都知道猪蹄里含有一种叫胶原蛋白的物质,而胶原蛋白正是时下最热门的美容新名词。 从外用的化妆品,到口服的胶囊,再到整形美容的填充材料,无处不见它的身影。胶原蛋白究竟是什么物质?它有什么样的美容秘密呢?如何补充胶原蛋白才是正确的方法呢?
· 常吃,喝完立即睡觉。   胶原蛋白常用来对抗老化及修补组织,其在夜间进行修补时,会消耗少许热量,但胶原蛋白减肥效果并不如传说般神奇。只是胶 原蛋白减肥法可帮助减肥者维持皮肤的光泽与弹性.
每天三餐均可照常进食,但在晚饭后不再吃任何食物,只在临睡前喝1汤匙液状 胶原蛋白减肥配方,喝完后立即睡觉。由于胶原蛋白是一种纤维蛋白质,能够对抗老化及修补身体细胞组织,而在夜间进行修补时,会消耗热量,从而消耗脂肪减低体重。 胶原蛋白减肥注意事项:利用胶原蛋白减肥的效果并不显着,相对而言,若因此而毫无节制地进食,更会因摄取热量过多而令体型肥胖。
很早就流传胶原蛋白减肥法。胶原蛋白减肥采用的是生活中常见的食物中的蛋白成分,能够加速脂肪的燃烧,没有任何副作用。胶原蛋白减肥适合人群 .




Tuesday, September 29, 2009

螺旋藻-天然食療品(Natural therapeutic foods -Spirulina)


垂不朽的創始者,於超過 3.5 億年前在大自然中被創造。這些藍綠色的藻類提供氧氣於空氣中以便讓所有的高級生物得以進化。





· 螺旋藻含有最高數量的全面蛋白質(蛋白質含量高出60%)

· 螺旋藻是最豐富的B胡蘿卜素來源(它比生胡蘿蔔的B胡蘿卜素超過25倍)。

· 螺旋藻是最豐富的維他命B12來源(它擁有的B12比其他已知的來源多)。

· 螺旋藻是最豐富的亞麻油酸(GLA)來源 - GLA是人體前列腺荷爾蒙的先驅

· 螺旋藻是最豐富的葉綠素來源

· 螺旋藻是最豐富的維他命E來源(它的維他命E成份多過小麥胚芽)。

· 螺旋藻擁有系列的抗氧化物像是B胡蘿卜素、維他命E、維他命B1、B5 和
B6、鋅、 錳、銅 和硒及氨基酸。

· 螺旋藻是最豐富的鐵質來源(它比生牛肝及菠菜的鐵質還要多)。


1. 增強免疫系統

2. 支援心血管健康及降低膽固醇

3. 增進腸胃及消化系統健康。

4. 促進人體的自然淨化及排毒功能。

5. 改善腸胃功能。定期服用螺旋藻可以幫助限制害菌的滋長。同時,它也能提
升好的腸菌繁殖, 尤其是乳酸桿菌及雙岐乳酸桿菌。

6. 幫助降低血壓和膽固醇水平

天然營養品 - 服用螺旋藻的理由

1. 螺旋藻是熱愛運動者的最佳補助品! 它加速恢復體力。

2. 螺旋藻是懷孕母親們的最佳補助品!它提供均衡的維他命、礦物質和蛋白質

3. 螺旋藻是素食者的最佳補助品!它提供素食中所缺乏的重要營養,
如脂肪酸,維他命及礦物質, 尤其是維他命 B12。

4. 螺旋藻是健康皮膚、頭發及指甲的補助品!它保持B胡蘿卜素及維他命B群的水平。

5. 螺旋藻是減輕體重計劃者的佳音!如果在餐前30至40分鐘服用螺旋藻,它能讓 您覺得 飽足感,同時,可供應身體不可或缺的維他命、礦物質及脂肪酸。

6. 螺旋藻是

7. 螺旋藻是貧血患者的佳音!它含有非常容易被吸收的鐵質。

8 螺旋藻是每個人的佳音!它是一種豐富的天然物質,適合所有年齡人士,










它那再自然不過的包裝及動人的故事說明了它是比任何的廣告口號還要有趣及健康的。您只須去明白它而已 。螺旋藻 的深藍色是來自於彩虹的自然色素。它們會吸取不同波度的陽光但也會避免吸取太多的陽光。這些色素提供了不平凡的健康好處及幫助合成必要的酵素來調節人體的新陳代謝。這些色素是葉綠素(青色)、胡蘿卜素(黃色和橙色)及藻青蛋白 ( 藍色 ) 。





Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Spirulina 100% from Okinawa Japan

Product name : Spirulina 100%
Country of Origin : Japan
Spirulina Content :200mg x 2400 tablets

Nutritional benefits

Spirulina 100% is a natural health food made from blue-green algae and contains over 30 beneficial nutrients. Approximately 50-80 grams of vegetable protein can be found in 100 grams of Spirulina and this protein, containing a fine balance of all essential amino acids , is superior in quality. Spirulina 100% also provides an excellent balance of minerals and vitamins including beta carotene, Calcium and Magnesium. Nutrients in Spirulina 100% are readily digested and absorbed by the body, so none of its nutritional benefits are lost. It is excellent in combating imbalances arising from lifestyle habits and it is effective in overcoming and preventing various disorders arising from a poorly balanced diet, including insufficient intake of vegetables. Spirulina 100% taken before meals is also beneficial for those who are on a diet and want to cut their calory intake. ecommend it to people who want to enjoy good health every day.


Spirulina consist of 5 major nutrients such as protein, calories, glucidic, fibers, lipids. Additionally, 12 kinds of vitamins, and as many as 11 kinds of minerals are contained. In addition, 20 kinds of amino acids including 9 kinds of essential amino acids that cannot be produce by human body are contained.

As compared to Chlorella, Spirulina contains the overall balance of nutrition which assists in better digestion and absorption. The Alkalinity is 18 level for Spirulina, and for Chlorella is 24 level which has the highest alkaline level in food. The alkalinity will assist in easy recovery for illness and obtain better health and longevity.

In fact, the bodies of approximately 90% of people who tend to get sick are said to be acidic. Acidity is the cause of many illnesses.

What is the dosage? When should I take it? How long should I take it?

The minimum dosage recommended is 40 tablets a day (8 grams) -JHNFA - Japan Health Food & Nutrition Food Association standard. Spirulina is a natural food supplement and hence can be consumed anytime of the day. Although Spirulina nutrients are well digested, it is ideal to consume all supplements after meals, for better absorption of nutrients.

Is it okay to take it with other health food products and medicines?

Spirulina is a food product, so you may take it with other health foods or medicines. It’s probably easier to understand if you think of it as a green or yellow vegetable that has been dried. There is, however, a medicine used for the treatment of arteriosclerosis and angina called Coumadin. Taken by people who have problems with their heart or blood vessels, it is a blood-thinning medicine that makes it difficult for the blood to clot.

Spirulina 100% contains vitamin K and one of the effects of Vitamin K is to promote the thickening of the blood, so there is a possibility that it may inhibit the effectiveness of Coumadin. In Spirulina 100%, there are about 40-80 μg of Vitamin K per 100 grams, which is quite a considerable amount.
Therefore, we recommend that people who are taking medication like Coumadin consult with their doctor or pharmacist before taking Spirulina.

Is it okay to give to children?

Yes, it is. Spirulina is a food, so it is suitable for all people, from babies to the elderly. Some people mix the Spirulina granules with their babies' food and give it to them that way.

Products Name : Spirulina 100% Country of Origin : Japan
The Raw Material : Spirulina Contents : 200mg x 2,400 tablets


Spirulina 100% contains approximately 64 to 75 times more beta carotene than spinach, plus a wide and balanced spectrum of nutrients, including vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, E, folic acid, and Pantothenic acid, as well as minerals such as Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, and Iron.

摂取量および摂取方法:1日40粒(*注)を目安に数回に分けて、お湯または水とともにお召し上がりください。摂取上の注意:本品の摂取により体質に合わない場合は摂取を中止してください。*注: (財)日本健康・栄養食品協会の規定による

*3 times per day (10 to 12 tablets per time) 40 tablets per days as prescribed:
By JHFA — JapanHealth Food & Nutrition Association.

Spir S Spirulian is a natural food supplement can be consumed anytime of the day.

*Precautions: save to avoid direct sunlight in hot and humid places. 

Main Components of Spirulina

Nutrients Spriulina 100% - 100g
Calories 320-430kcal
Protein 60..0-77.0g
Lipid 7 - 10g
Sugar 270 - 430Kcal
Sodium 60 - 77g
Fiber 6.0- 10.0g
Chlorophyll a 600 - 1,550mg
Total Carotenoid 100 - 630mg
Phycocyanin 5,590 – 8,640mg
Potassium 1060 – 1,660mg
Calcium 60- 210mg
Phosphorus 340 - 720mg
Magnesium 250 - 370mg
Iron 60 - 90mg
Zinc 4.0 – 7.0mg
Copper 0.3 - 0.4mg
Linolenic acid 1,120 - 1,600mg
Vitamin B1 2.9 – 4.70mg
Vitamin B2 3.50 – 4.60mg
Vitamin B6 0.7- 1.30mg
Vitamin B12 61.0 – 176.0ug
Vitamin E 6 - 11mg
Inositol 70 - 140mg
beta carotene 80 - 190mg

Spirulina - with five major nutrients

When people think of foods that have high nutritional value, eggs and beef probably spring to mind for many people. However, Spirulina has rich nutrients that in no way are inferior to such foods. In fact, Spirulina is rich in proteins, sugars, fatty acids, and vitamins, as well as in minerals like calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron and carotene, which tend to be insufficient in our daily diets. In other words, the five main nutrients our bodies need are all contained in Spirulina. And because digestive absorption is excellent, the nutrients are absorbed by the body with ease.

I Full of beneficial proteins

Protein is a vital element in the composition of every part of our body. Spirulina contains three times the amount of proteins in beef and twice the amount in soy beans (See Table1).
Table 1 Amounts of protein in Spirulina (%)

Spriulina Soybeans Beef Egg Fish
Protein 65 - 70% 34 .3% 19.3% 12.7% 20.0%

The proteins in Spirulina are also of excellent quality. The quality of proteins is determined by how well balanced the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce.
The quality of its proteins fulfill the ideal standards of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

II Chlorophyll as “green blood”

Spirulina also contains abundant amounts of natural pigments such as chlorophyll and light blue phycocyanin.

III Chronic shortages of vitamin B12

Among these, chlorophyll is a well-known pigment that is often called “green blood” because it becomes the raw material of the blood in our bodies. This is why chlorophyll is very effective in the treatment of anemia.
Chlorophyll also plays a role in purifying our bodies of toxins. For example, it detoxifies acetylaldehydes, the cause of hangovers, and histamines related to allergies, so it has positive effects in helping people recover from fatigue, in preventing hangovers and in fighting allergies.

In addition, various other benefits of chlorophyll have also been recognized. It is known to aid in eliminating bad breath and body odor, in alleviating constipation and frostbite and in lowering cholesterol. Spirulina also contains generous amounts of vitamin B12. There is a tendency to overlook vitamin B12 in our diets, but it is vital in the functioning of red corpuscles and nucleic acids. In addition to the treatment of virulent anemia and nervous disorders, vitamin B12 is effective in improving liver and digestive system disorders as well as skin disorders and internal, harmful excretions.

It is also important to understand that a vitamin B12 deficiency does not progress suddenly. Instead, it occurs slowly over a long period of time. Because of this, when vitamin B12 becomes depleted, it symptoms appear suddenly and can cause alarm. Disorders arising from deficiencies of vitamin B12 include virulent anemia, diabetic nervous disorders, trigeminal neuralgia, liver disorders and impaired memory.

It is important for us to supplement our diet with vitamin B12 on a daily basis.

IV Beta carotene, the key to preventing cancer

Beta carotene is gaining attention as an effective nutrient in the prevention of cancer. The amount of carotene required for a person in the prevention of cancer is 5-15 milligrams a day. In terms of vegetable consumption, this is the equivalent of 200g of green and yellow vegetables and 100g of light colored vegetables. For people who find this level of intake on a daily basis difficult, Spirulina is recommended as a nutritional supplement.

Spirulina has 50 times the amount of carotene as chlorella, 10 times that of carrots and 60 times that of spinach.

Some of the beta carotene in our bodies is converted to vitamin A, which is said to be often insufficient in the diet of Japanese. Vitamin A is also a very important nutrient which, when lacking, makes the body more prone to cancer. Vitamin A also acts to protect the eyes and the respiratory system.

V Linoleic acid and linolenic acid in the adjustment of cholesterol

Spirulina contains rich amount of linoleic acid and linolenic acid which are attracting attention particularly for their role in controlling cholesterol in the bloodstream. By dissolving and flushing excess cholesterol from the bloodstream and preventing high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, they inhibit carcinogens and the spread of cancer promoted by excess cholesterol.

Linoleic and linolenic acids are substances that cannot be produced by the body, so if they are not supplemented through our dietary habits, a deficiency will occur.

Ensure that your diet includes these nutrients by supplementing it with spirulina.

3. How Spirulina differs from chlorella in digestion and nutritional value.

A microscopic image of chlorella

A microscopic image of spirulina

There are probably many people who are not sure of the differences between chlorella and Spirulina. It is true that the ingredients and color of the tablets of the two are similar.
However, chlorella, which belongs to the green algae species, and Spirulina, which belongs to the blue-green algae species, differ in a number of ways. One way of looking at Spirulina is to see it as a new product that has overcome weaknesses of chlorella.

To begin with, one of chlorella’s weaknesses is its size. With a diameter of between 0.3 and 0.5 microns, it is only 1/1000 the size of Spirulina. Consequently, harvesting something this small requires centrifugal separation, an extremely labor intensive process. Spirulina, on the other hand, can be harvested through a simple filtration process. This makes Spirulina far more suitable than chlorella for mass production.

95% digested in two hours

Because chlorella is a simple cell plant, its cell walls are hard and very difficult to digest. To promote the digestion of chlorella, it is necessary to turn it into powder through the use of machines and process it in ways that are not natural.
This also raises concerns that some of its natural ingredients will be lost during processing.

For leading a healthy life :

Acidity as a case of illness. In addition to the excellent nutrients found in Spirulina, another attractive feature is its alkali properties.
In our diet today where we are surrounded by meat, instant foods, and sweets, we tend to lack enough alkali foods, such as vegetables and seaweed (See Table 6) as below:

Table 6 An Analysis of Spirulina and Chorella

However, human body fluids are mildly alkali. When our diet consists of only acid foods and acid in the body begins to accumulate, the body tries to revert to an alkali state by expelling alkali-containing minerals from the cells, bones and teeth.
Minerals are vital in the formation of bones and teeth, in the production of blood, and in nerve functions. Mineral insufficiencies lead to anemia and broken bones. Nowadays we hear of school-age children who get dizzy and faint when morning assemblies at school are a little longer than usual, and who suffer broken bones just from fallingdown. At the root of these problems is an insufficiency of minerals caused by acidity.

Living a Healthy life with Spirulina

When Spirulina is taken on a regular basis, the body becomes more alkali. The metabolism of the body in general becomes more active. The body’s cells also become vitalized and the body’s ability to cure itself is enhanced. In addition, not only is the health of the body maintained because of the cells’ revitalization, but an overall improvement in general appearance can be expected. This is because the complexion and hair little by little undergo renewal and improvement. This is why we can say that Spirulina is a super food that gives us both good health and beauty.

Spirulina is particularly effective for people who:

* tire easily and do not feel 100% well
* have little motivation
* are recovering from an illness
* are on a diet* catch colds easily
* have a tendency to be anemic
* are fussy about food
* eat at irregular times
* do not eat adequate green or yellow vegetables
* who smoke, or drink a lot of alcohol or coffee

Medical benefits of spirulina

I Gastrointestinal diseases and Spirulina

Stomach ulcers and gastritis are illnesses where the gastric juices increase due to stress and injure the stomach lining. To prevent this from occurring, it is necessary (1) to eat alkali foods that digest well to suppress the amount of gastric juices, (2) to neutralize the acidic gastric juices by eating alkali foods and (3) to have a balanced intake of nutrients including proteins, minerals and vitamins.
Spirulina is an alkali food that fulfills all of the above conditions. It not only contains large amounts of good quality nutrients but their rate of digestion and absorption by the body is extremely high, so adequate supplementation of these nutrients is possible. In addition, the chlorophyll in Spirulina protects the stomach and intestine linings that have suffered injury.The very positive effects of Spirulina on stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers have already been confirmed.

II Anemia and Spirulina

Anemia is a condition resulting from insufficient of iron. To prevent anemia, we are told that it is very important to supplement our diet with foods containing ample amounts of iron, such as liver, soy beans and spinach. However, if iron is not taken with protein and vitamin C, its digestion and rate of absorption are low. Therefore, by simply eating foods rich in iron, we do not receive their full benefits. Spirulina, on the other hand, not only contains more iron than liver, it also contains large amounts of proteins and blood-building chlorophyll. The digestion and absorption rate of iron is also excellent, so Spirulina is very effective in combating anemia.

III Diabetes and Spirulina

Diabetes is a disorder caused by an insufficiency in the hormone insulin. However, the main cause of insulin insufficiency is overeating. Therefore, prevention and improvement of this condition need to begin with a review of eating habits.
What is important then is to avoid the intake of excessive calories, have a diet well-balanced in nutrients, and prevent the body from becoming acidic.
The reason why Spirulina is said to be effective in preventing diabetes is because, while it is low in calories,It contains large amounts of vitamin B1 which improves the metabolism of sugars, vitamin B2 which assists in the burning of calories that prevents obesity, vitamin B6 which creates insulin, and potassium which assists in the excretion of insulin and proteins lacking in people with diabetes. In addition, because Spirulina is an alkali type supplement, it assists in returning acidic blood to an alkaline state. Because of these factors, Spirulina is an ideal food product for preventing and improving diabetes.

IV Liver ailments and Spirulina

The liver performs a very vital role in our bodies by breaking down, detoxifying and storing nutrients carried there by the blood. The most important nutrients for the liver are proteins and vitamins. Proteins make up the greater part of the liver and vitamins assist in its functions. An insufficiency of proteins and vitamins results in impairing or bringing to a stop the functions of the liver.
Spirulina is a food with an abundance of proteins of superior quality and vitamins. The main treatment for liver illnesses is based on dietary treatment focusing on balanced nutrition. There have been reports that claim improvement in liver ailments is accelerated when the treatment is combined with Spirulina. We believe that this is due to the proteins and vitamins contained in Spirulina which have a therapeutic function. Furthermore, Spirulina’s supplementation of potassium, which tends to be lacking in people with liver illnesses, creates a synergistic effect. In these ways, Spirulina also contributes significantly to the health of the liver.

V Dieting and Spirulina
Spirulina is attracting attention as a safe diet food. A method of dieting with Spirulina is to take it 30 minutes to one hour prior to meal time. In that period before eating, the Spirulina absorbs water and expands, suppressing the appetite and helping to prevent overeating.
In addition, Spirulina is a food which contains generous amounts of various kinds of nutrients, so there is no concern that the body’s balance of nuctrients will be upset by dieting.There are many people who commenced taking Spirulina regularly and within several weeks reported to have begun to experience a definite loss of weight. It is important to follow a healthy diet that combines well-balanced meals and Spirulina.